
The analysis of the needs of civil society organizations in the field of visual identity and communication is ready. It was prepared on the basis of 202 completed questionnaires by directly involved volunteers and civil servants. We thank all the colleagues who filled in the questionnaire and thus contributed to the preparation of the analysis.

The study aims primarily to identify and assess the needs of active civil society organizations in Bulgaria related to visual identity and communication. The needs of civil society organizations refer to the missing or insufficient competencies of those working in the civil sector, which would allow them to present their results in a modern, attractive and recognizable by the general public, as well as to prepare a personalized and identifying portfolio and business card. of their organizations to be used at all levels of communication with direct and indirect users and beneficiaries of their services.

The research also aims to study and typify possible factors influencing the visual culture and identity of those involved in organizations. Thus, in addition to better segmentation of the trainings depending on the profiles of the participants, the analysis will allow the derivation of new knowledge to lay the foundation for further upgrading projects and initiatives.