Digital marketing of NGOs

The second training was held in the period 25-29 May 2021 in the village of Bachevo, Razlog Municipality. The lecturer was Justin Thoms, an online media expert and a longtime lecturer in digital communication at New Bulgarian University and SoftUni Digital. The topic of the training “Digital Marketing for NGOs” aroused great interest among the participants. Justin gave a lot of important advice and information on how to create a unique digital space for our organizations in the digital jungle, what are the elements that must be present in a website, and many other useful knowledge.Theory and practical tasks were combined, in-depth discussions arose and sessions followed for the preparation of communication plans, which are applicable in our work in organizing real events.

The organisations that took part in this training work intensively in the field of civil society and
wanted to learn the innovations and subtleties in the digital marketing of NGOs.
We received only positive feedback on the training from all participants who expressed their opinion that the training was extremely useful.

Presentations in Bulgarian

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