Design and Visual Communication

The first training was held in the period 19-23 May 2021 in the village of Bachevo, Razlog
municipality, and the topic was “Fundamentals and Essence in Design Communication”. The lecturer – Ivaylo Gogov, Master of Digital Arts, works in the field of advertising and has extensive expertise in creating visual identity He introduced to us in details the basic principles of design and the five important steps in building visual communication. Ivaylo combined giving new knowledge with its practical application. During the training he sought to help participants understand that in the age of digitalization they should be informed and able to create a modern visual identity for their organizations.

The training involved organisations that have been working in the civil sector for many years and that needed to hear fresh ideas and get acquainted with new trends in the field of visual identity. Ivaylo had prepared a very interesting program, combining new knowledge and practical tasks.

According to the feedback from the participants, the training was extremely useful for them and they will certainly apply the knowledge gained in their work in the future.

Another important point in the training was that representatives of the civil sector, working in
organizations with different fields of activity and from different regions of Bulgaria, met and had the opportunity to exchange ideas and work together.

We thank our colleagues for their active participation during the training and the lecturer for the new knowledge, thanks to which we will be able to create a modern vision, offer creative solutions and communicate effectively with civil society representatives to whom our services and projects are directed!

Document in bulgarian⤵

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