Meeting in the city of Blagoevgrad

The third information meeting was held within the project “Visual Communication and Identity” (VIC) on 05.05.2021 in the town of Blagoevgrad. Colleagues from non-governmental оrganizations who have been working with civil society for many years were present. Ms. Kostadinka Todorova presented the goals and the planned activities of the project, to which the participants showed great interest, especially for the upcoming trainings. During the discussion we found that all those present have similar ideas, needs and problems that can be more easily met and overcome if we work in a network, which is one of the ideas of the project. All present stated that in the future it will be more beneficial to work in this direction, namely networking and more intensive communication between us. A future idea for cooperation was born – development of a portal of NGOs in the southwestern region.

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